With several farms sprinkled throughout the countryside, it is not uncommon to drive down the road and see signs offering “Free kittens.”Farmers know, when there are two cats, many will quickly...
The preweaning period is an especially important part of a calf’s life as it sets the animal up for success. What makes up the starter, how it is fed, and what is its impact should all be considered
“We have to ask for practical use, is it helpful? Does the farmer know more after consulting the system than he or she did before? Of course, we want perfect sensor systems, but we have to use the...
"This was the best time ever!” "The cheese was amazing!” "I told at least a dozen friends." Those were firsthand comments from those participating in the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin-led Cheeselandia...
For Canadian subscribers. Access to 20 years of Hoard's Dairyman issues electronically. Early online access to the issue and no lost issues or international postal delays
Mastitis management through milk cultures presented by Mike Zurakowski, D.V.M., Quality Milk Production Services, Mike Zurakowski, D.V.M., with Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostics
There’s almost always a shortage of time and a lack of space on dairy farms. When deciding which animals get the most attention and best resources, the answer is typically the milking herd, and understandably...
The blank spot on many dairy calendars this year — the one where World Dairy Expo is usually marked — offers yet another reminder that 2020 is very different
The title of this article, “You can’t sell your cheese here,” is a sentiment that is becoming more common for American cheese producers to hear while trying to market their products around...
The European Union’s (EU) use of geographical indications (GIs) to monopolize the cheese market is founded on the belief that European cheeses are of a higher quality than those made elsewhere, including...
Mike Zurakowski, D.V.M., with Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory, presented “Mastitis management through milk cultures.” Each dairy farm has different risk factors...